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Export 101: Josh Shaw of Blvck Hippie

By August 6, 2024August 12th, 2024No Comments

Blvck Hippie have been touring relentlessly forever – or at least it feels that way sometimes. In this episode of Export 101, we get into the specifics on how the band has evolved from a childhood nickname to a collaborative family business – one that’s touring Europe and making waves with a fanbase that’s singing every word back to them at shows. How it happens involves a lot of passion and willingness to try new things – click below to watch or listen to the full episode, and keep reading for some of Josh’s top tips.

Expectations vs. reality

Half the battle is knowing what you’re getting yourself into – especially on a first run outside of your home city.

“I don’t think I was mentally prepared for it. I always tell people who are about to go on their first tour, ‘If you go into it knowing it’s going to suck, you’ll have the best time of your life.’ Because then when there’s a show where no one’s there, you’re struggling to find a place to stay, those don’t hit as hard because you’re less stressed. I went into that tour kind of expecting more – I didn’t really understand how it works, getting people to shows, all the other parts of it. It was a learning experience.”

Building a team

Blvck Hippie had a team relatively early in the band’s evolution – it’s been an important ingredient in their success. So what’s the key to building the right team?

“Sometimes people focus so much on clout and years’ experience that they don’t focus on the most important thing which is someone that actually cares about what you’re doing. If you have someone that has like 20 years of industry experience and all these connections but they don’t care, after the fourth thing falls and doesn’t stick to the wall they’re like, oh well, I tried. I did my obligated thing, I got paid. Whereas if you have someone that’s passionate about it, they’re going to keep throwing things against the wall until they stick. You can teach someone industry stuff. You can teach them how to book tours. You can’t teach them how to care.”

The release strategy

Extensive touring for Blvck Hippie has meant touring one record for a long time – well more than a year – without releasing new music. It’s been a strategy that has paid off as they’ve worked the album in new markets around the world, but Josh says his creative process drove the strategy.

“I would much rather become irrelevant taking too long to tour off the same record than rush a record that isn’t something I actually enjoy and like. Making art is kind of like having a kid in some capacity. You want your kid to have the best chance in life. You want your record, your art to have the best chance it can have. And usually marinating, sitting on it more. Taking time with the visuals. I really wanted to mull over it more. It works better for me creatively. I’m blessed and lucky that it’s working professionally, too – it’s the only way I know how to do it.”

Josh on what it means to be export ready: “To be export ready I felt I needed to have confidence in my identity as an artist in order to represent myself and my city on the road. It also came down to the technical stuff like having socials set up and up to date, having a strong online image, having merch designs, having music released, having a budget set up, having a live show prepared, and so much more. Overall I needed to define my vision and just have the guts get out there and proudly represent Memphis.”

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